Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this late evening. Nearly time for bed.

Thursday, 4 June 2009

European Parliament elections - 4 June - day 1

The elections for the European Parliament start today, with voting taking place today in:

United Kingdom

If you have a vote, please (please!) use it! Don't waste it by not voting, whichever political party or grouping you choose to support. The more people who vote, the more accurate will be the result. That's all I ask - that as many of us as possible exercise our right to vote. Thank you!

I'll be off out in the next hour or so to vote myself - obviously I'd like as many as possible in the UK to vote Conservative. I know that many readers of my blog vote for other political parties. Fair enough, but the important thing is that as many of those entitled to vote do so. In my area (Scotland) there is certainly plenty of choice and the same applies in every region of the UK.

In the UK, 'Polling Places' remain open until 10pm tonight (22.00 BST). Please exercise your right to vote!


  1. I voted a week ago. Fingers crossed for a good turnout.

  2. Yup! Just watching Pres. Obama speaking in Cairo. Good speech and well-balanced. Now off to vote myself ...


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